Hosted by the dynamic duo of Arielle Nissenblatt and Ned Donovan, the show promises to be an entertaining and informative daily escape, covering an eclectic range of tips that touch on various aspects of life. From personal hygiene and car maintenance to uncovering the best music gems and mastering the art of waking up early, Arielle and Ned will explore it all.
Listeners and viewers can expect a lighthearted and engaging approach to daily tips, delivered with a unique flair. The hosts are passionate about making the show interactive and are open to suggestions from their audience for new and exciting tips to feature on the show.
“We wanted to create a show that feels like a daily dose of inspiration and entertainment. Life is full of challenges, big and small, and we believe that sharing practical tips – no matter how quirky or unexpected – can make a positive impact on our listeners’ and viewers’ lives,” says Arielle Nissenblatt, co-host of the show.
Ned Donovan, the other half of this duo, adds, “Arielle and I are people who love trying new things and optimizing our lives. We’re taking that passion and bringing it to audiences in a quick, digestible, fun format to add a little spice to your day.”
“Arielle and Ned’s Daily Tips That May Or May Not Help You” invites listeners and viewers to join the hosts on this exciting journey of discovery. From the practical to the whimsical, Arielle and Ned will share insights and hacks to navigate the complexities of daily life with a smile.
The show will be available on major podcast platforms and YouTube, ensuring accessibility for audiences across different platforms. The show is recorded and edited entirely in SquadCast and Descript. The show is produced by Play+1, the team behind the D&D TV series, Encounter Party.
The hosts will be experimenting widely with video formatting and production techniques, as a way of exploring YouTube’s new podcast integration capabilities.
Mark your calendars for December 4th, 2023, and subscribe to be a part of this daily dose of tips, laughter, and unexpected discoveries.
About the hosts
Arielle Nissenblatt is the founder of EarBuds Podcast Collective, a podcast recommendation newsletter. She is on the community team at Descript, an AI-powered video and audio editing software service. She hosts two other podcasts, Trailer Park: The Podcast Trailer Podcast and Feedback with EarBuds. She wants to help you find your next favorite podcast!
Ned Donovan is an actor and multi-hyphenate creator who calls NYC home. As an actor Ned has performed on stages across America, and been featured in film projects seen on NBC, Netflix, SyFy, and more. Ned is a cast member on, and executive producer for, Encounter Party which started as a D&D podcast and has since grown into a television show currently airing. Ned is the founder of the first film festival experience for Fiction Podcasts and Actual Play content at the New Jersey Web Festival.