As most of the team heads to Florida for Podfest Expo, we’re bringing you another “Oops, all quick hits” edition of The Download. Say hi if you see us around, and don’t forget to catch our very own Tom Webster being inducted into the Podcast Hall of Fame tomorrow.
- Tom Webster highlights the power of True Crime podcast fans and how data shows the average fan is a far cry from the caricatures shown in popular media.
- The first report of the Sounds Profitable Educational Series, The Business Podcast Consumer, is now live with a half hour webinar covering key findings about what makes business podcast audiences unique.
- Bob Hunt was a guest on The Podcast Advertising Playbook to talk about how podcasting builds listener connections: “We really combine creating meaningful, emotional connections with consumers’, with connecting data and outsmarting our competition through a unique media and data advantage”.
- Amaze Media Labs has released AudienceLift 2.0, a redesign of its audience growth platform.
- Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson has joined Realm’s network.
- Pia Podcast and Podway Podcast Network have partnered for podcast distribution and monetization.
- Sounds Profitable now has a podcast trailer thanks to’s J.E. Petersen, who will be hosting a webinar on producing podcast trailers that convert listeners in collaboration with Arielle Nissenblatt on Thursday, January 23rd.