Sounds Profitable works with select publishers, platforms, and tech companies serving the podcasting industry as strategic advisors.
Years of experience
Bryan Barletta and Tom Webster have decades of experience at every level of the audio business, and have consulted some of the biggest brands in the world of podcasting.
Sounds Profitable advisory and consulting services include the following:
- Quarterly Advisory Service • an ongoing engagement for forward-thinking companies who want to remain on top of the latest developments in the podcasting space and set a profitable course for the future
- Workshops • Bryan and Tom will craft a bespoke single-day engagement, either in person or virtually, designed to get your team up to speed on the podcasting industry and navigate what is next.
- Agency Days • A custom workshop for agencies, brands, or media buyers to understand the podcasting space, its players, and the state of the art on metrics and best practices.
In addition, sponsors of Sounds Profitable are entitled to 30 minutes of private consulting each month, and have access to a monthly Sounds Profitable Unplugged virtual meeting, featuring deeper analysis of current trends, educational content, and an industry roundtable.