How much is too much when it comes to podcast advertising? The truth is elusive: ask someone how many ads are too many, and they will likely tell you “one”, but as study after study has shown, podcast advertising works and works well, all the same.
Ultimately, execution matters most. Consumers will gladly listen to five great ads, but skip one terrible one. Still, there are expectations and norms about the amount of advertising in a podcast and the tolerance for repetition.
- Intra-episode ad frequency: The webinar will explore consumer reactions to the number of ads within a single podcast episode, their opinions on the acceptable number of ads, and how the ad frequency impacts their listening experience.
- Listeners’ perceptions of hearing the same ad multiple times within a single podcast episode (and across multiple episodes) and how this repetition affects their engagement with the podcast and the advertised product/service.
- Insights into listeners’ ad-skipping habits, reasons for skipping ads, and how this behavior compares to other media platforms.
- Factors that make podcast ads memorable, the influence of ads on purchase decisions, and listeners’ experiences with purchasing products or services advertised on podcasts.
- Ad position – if they could design a podcast, ad breaks and all, where would listeners place commercial messages?
All of this, plus insights and recommendations on best practices for executing campaigns, can be found in the webinar recording above.