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Audio =/= Video Podcasting, Podcast Listening Approaching Pre-Pandemic, & More

Audio =/= Video Podcasting, Podcast Listening Approaching Pre-Pandemic, & More

January 23, 2025

Audio Is Different From Video, So We Filmed Our Audio Recording to Show You

Eric Silver and Amanda McLoughlin of Multitude have filmed the production of an audio podcast to demonstrate how the strengths of spoken word cannot be maintained 1:1 if an audio-first podcast simply has a camera added to the production. Host performance shifts to perform for the camera. Cuts that would have been undetectable in audio are jarring as the hosts jumpcut to a different position. While video podcasting is proven to work, simply grafting an audio production into video undercuts the strengths of both mediums.

Buyers are Listeners, Too by Tom Webster

Webster discusses the promising Acast ad run on a recent episode of The Telepathy Tapes. The ad itself is specifically for the premise of running ads on Acast, aimed at buyers looking for somewhere effective to run their campaigns. Digital Out of Home advertising has done this since the beginning, regularly running ads simply for the billboards, taxi cab interiors, and gas pumps the screens themselves are attached to. The classic “do billboards work? This one just did” style ad recognizes that everyday audiences also include the buyers who will use the advertising as intended, and podcasting would do well to embrace that more.

Edison: Audio Listening Habits Shift Toward Pre-Pandemic Patterns

The latest Share of Ear study from Edison finds audio consumption patterns are approaching 2019 levels. Before 2020, at-home and out-of-home audio consumption were nearly tied, averaging 116 minutes and 114 minutes respectively. By 2021 the massive shift to at-home listening had created a 50 minute difference between the two. As of last year, the gap has narrowed to 20 minutes.

As for the rest of the news…
