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Cord Cutting Grows in USA, Podcasting’s Netherlands Growth, & More

Cord Cutting Grows in USA, Podcasting’s Netherlands Growth, & More

April 4, 2024

Five Things to Know About The Ad Bargain by Tom Webster

Yesterday Sounds Profitable published a new study into the ‘bargain’ consumers make with ad-supported media: publishers give them content they like, they’ll give advertisers some attention (within reason). The Ad Bargain primarily looks at how good the bargain is in podcasting when compared to two other fast growth categories for advertising (connected TV and YouTube). In this follow-up article, Tom Webster breaks down five key takeaways. Podcast advertising comes with a discovery benefit, including 69% of respondents saying they discovered new brands or products from sponsorship messages on their favorite podcasts. While there’s conversations to be made about sound quality, host relationships, and other unique aspects of podcasting, the data from The Ad Bargain shows the most important part of the story is podcasting’s audience and their engagement. [Source]

Podcast advertising: Guidelines for optimal impact

Dutch research company KANTAR has published a new report on the effectiveness of podcast advertising in the Netherlands. The data is the result of a collaboration with Tonny Media and Kantar’s MeMo² that measured the effects of nine campaigns involving national and international brands from different industries as they ran on Tonny Media content. Similarly to data from the U.S, podcast advertising proves effective in the Netherlands with strong KPI (key performance indicators). And the field is growing in popularity. According to their 2023 Media Reactions, 56% of the Dutch population reports they occasionally listen to podcasts. [Source]

More than half of US TV watchers are cordless, according to report by Ryan Barwick

According to the Video Advertising Bureau’s March report, the amount of people who have either never signed up for a traditional paid television service (or have canceled said service) reached 54%, up from 49% back in 2022. In response, streaming watch-time is up, now accounting for a 38% share of monthly TV time with respondents. The more people go cordless, the more they’ll funnel into services like Prime Video or YouTube. Places that happen to have healthy catalogs of video podcast content ready to add podcasting into their viewing hours. [Source]

…as for the rest of the news:

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Register for our upcoming webinar:

The News Podcast Consumer from Sounds Profitable, NPR & National Public Media

Wednesday, February 26th, at 2 PM EST

The Sounds Profitable Educational Series continues with an in-depth look at the audience for News podcasts! Join Tom Webster and special guest Lamar Johnson, VP of Sponsorship Marketing at NPR’s sponsorship subsidiary National Public Media, as we present a special live webinar on The News Podcast Consumer.

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